Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

You, Your enemies and God

Hi, welcome to a true love quote on this page. Here it is ; "love your enemies and do good to them"

Love your enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return.  Wow...! How could we do it? Come on, let’s just be honest with ourselves, respectively. What I write here is not something easy to do, but that's the challenge that the Lord gives to me and you. He ordered this not without reason, the Bible notes that "because he is kind to people who are ungrateful and to the bad guys. "

One more thing, when you and I were able to do a command that has been the true love quote among the true love quotes, a heavenly reward is waiting, your reward will be great in heaven and you will be children of the  Heavenly Father -  Almighty God.

Humanly we can not do that great thing, even though it has become a heavenly command. You and I still require God's involvement. We should pray for the strength to be able to do this. We have to ask for strength to be able love enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return.

Come on, just accept this great challenge. This is a heavenly challenge though. Do not think too much. When God who had created the Universe and given life to me and you can do good to those ungrateful and to the bad guys, then you and I who are only the ones who are  given life by Him must be able to do it , Once again this is a heavenly and command for all of us. Fill your heart with compassion for everyone. Ask God to do it in us.

There are many great things that human being can do on earth, they even are capable of changing the world through all great works they have done. But the most rewarding job is the fact when people are able to Love their enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return. This is a the most difficult job, challenging job, heavenly job to do.

Picture taken from -

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