Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

The Most Perfect True Love Quote among All The True Love Quotes

You may not believe, even disagree with one of these True Love Quotes. Imagine, you must strive wherever possible to save people who have hurt you both physically and mentally. But believe it or not this is a powerful quote that has been practiced that ever happened on earth. Its contents are mental and spiritual struggle to save people who are so hating.

This incident occurred to a person who had been persecuted so cruelly. Yes, He was Jesus. He is a phenomenal figure.  At that time he had to fight against the pain of persecution of people who hated Him.  Crown of thorns that pierced the head would cause terrible pain.  Nails embedded in the hands and feet cause exceptional soreness. The pain throughout the body as a result of lashes that slicing and slashing the skin. The Invective which he received had buried Him to the lowest level of humiliation.

In such an intense mental and physical pain was far in the deepest part of his heart He still kept His glorious treasure. That was a Perfect Mercy for people who were filled with hatred and cruelty. The struggle against pains combined with a great struggle to save the bullies, so out of His mouth came out a scream that reflected a compassion. The Compassion towards the bullies and the cruel prosecutors. This was the cry " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. "- Luke 23:34. That was an important thing in His heart that time, that was how to make their survivors do not get punished. What lived in His Mind was “How the bullies were able to obtain forgiveness of the heavenly Father”.

That cry had become the most perfect True Love Quote among millions of True Love Quotes ever written by the nations of this earth. The Perfect Heart with unconditional love is still tucked away in the heart of Jesus until today.  From The Glory of the Throne of Heaven Jesus has been looking at anyone, including you and me. He always longs to give love and forgiveness to you and me.

Let my brothers and sisters keep this Most Beautiful True Love Quote in our hearts, respectively. Strive for those with your sincere heart, including those who hurt you. Strive for them through your personal prayer to the Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus "because this is a perfect Quote.  One of "The True Love Quotes" that scatter among the  earth.

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