Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

The only thing your have to know today Is that you are truly loved by God

The today’s true love quote among the True Loves Quotes is - "There is no greater love than the love of a man who gave his life for his friends" (John. 15:13). Jesus is the only one who has proved these real true love quotes.

In wedding rehearsal ceremony of my brother, my husband was taking pictures of the groom and the bride when they faced each other in front of the pastor.
As we look at the photo later, we noticed that the flash on the camera had been shining on a cross made of metal located at the back, so that the cross was seen as a bright glowing object on top of both the bride and groom.

The photo reminds me that marriage is an image of Christ's love for the church, as shown by Him on the cross. When the Bible instructs husbands to love their wives (Eph. 5:25), God-affection compares the love which is full of fidelity and selfless with Christ’s for His disciples.

Because Christ had sacrificed His life for the sake of love, should we all love one another (1 John. 4: 10-11). He died in our place, so that our sins will not forever keep us separated from God. He applied his spoken words to the disciples: "There is no greater love than the love of a man who gave his life for his friends" (John. 15:13).

Many of us suffer because of being neglected, rejected and betrayed by someone. Although we have experienced those all, through Christ we can know and understand the nature of true love that is self-sacrificing, compassionate, and everlasting. Today, remember that you are truly loved by God. Jesus who proves that love by giving His life.

    God's love is so great and amazing, So deep and large, pure, sublime!
The love that comes from the heart of the JesusWhich remains the same and timeless. -Blom

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