Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Having no love is serious problem

The true love quote of the day is “Having no honor is not a problem. Having no love is serious problem. Having both is an amazing God’s Grace”. This is one of The true love quotes ever exist. 

The spiritual wealth is measureless and priceless. None of us can be naturally and spiritually happy without it. But tragically, so many of us do not consciously realize this fact. Indeed you and I need to be more tolerant and pay a serious attention to the need of our souls. Our soul continues to call for the silent screams in us.. The sounds are called out in the middle of the frenetic the worldly problems and obsession that live among our worldly mind and desires.

In the first century, the apostle Paul expressed deep affection for those he served. Paul was willing to sacrifice for them. Although he had a strong opinionated man, he was also gentle and caring, "as a loving mother who is breastfeeding her own children". He wrote to the congregation at Thessalonica, "Because it has a tender affection for you, we are happy to give you not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because you have become the people we love." (1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8) 

Later, when Paul told the Ephesian brothers that they would not see him again, "they all wept bitterly, and they embraced Paul's neck and kissed him gently". (Acts 20:25, 37)  It’s crystal clear that the relationship between Paul and his brothers much deeper than just the relationship between fellow believers. They have tender affection for one another.

In the Scriptures, tender affection, demeanor feeling, and compassion is closely related to the nature of the most noble Christian-love.   

So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. (1 Thessalonians 2: 8) 

And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. (2 Peter 1: 7)

Like the facets of a beautiful diamond, all these godly character offset each other and complementary.  These love based natures not only make Christians closer to one another but also to their heavenly Father. Therefore, the apostle Paul urged fellow believers: "Let your love live in you without hypocrisy. , , , In the case of brotherly love, have tender affection for one another. "- Romans 12: 9, 10.

God is love and Love is real

How great the role of love in human life. All people need love, All the elderly, parents, adults, children, and infants.
The touch of love gives drastic changes to circumstances that are impossible to change. Love also provides encouragement and strength to those who are weak and humiliated. That's why many of us are looking for sites with true love quotes themes. Let us have a love of the Father in the heart that will lead to success in life.
God's love is sacrifice. Jesus is the noblest sacrifice, a reflection of how great God's love for you and me. There is no perfect love with total sacrifices like Jesus’.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
God's love endures forever. This is the biggest hope for each and everyone of us. When you fail to gain love of the people you expect, or from anyone of whom you want to obtain love. But when you put your hope in God to obtain true Love, then you'll get it instantly. God does not see who you are, and how you are today and in the past. God just looks at your heart and soul to see that you need His love. This is a true love  quote that scattered among the true love quotes. Love is real. The True love is God. This is the true love quote.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his gracious love is everlasting (Psalm 136: 1)

We are commanded to love one another. Hmmm apparently no command is so important than the one God gave me and you. Look at this,
Dear friends, I am not writing to you a new commandment, but an old commandment that you have had from the beginning. This old commandment is the word you have heard. On the other hand, I am writing to you a new commandment that is truly in him and in you. For the darkness is fading away, and the true light is already shining. (1 John 2: 7-8)
God's law is summed up in “love”. Because it essentially is that God is Love, Jesus told him, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is exactly like it: 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments." (Matthew 22: 37-40).
The love of God shown by obeying His commandments. A clear indication for God, the extent to which you and I love our creator is the extent to which we obey God's commands. Pay attention to what is written in the Bible, For this demonstrates our love for God: We keep his commandments, and his commandments are not difficult, (1 John 5: 3).
Do not let your love for God weaken. The difficulties of life, severe problems that you often face, even worldly obsessions that you and I often dreamed of could make the love of God is left out of the priorities in our lives. We should not get trapped into such condition. Notice what the Bible says,
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2: 4-5)

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

You, Your enemies and God

Hi, welcome to a true love quote on this page. Here it is ; "love your enemies and do good to them"

Love your enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return.  Wow...! How could we do it? Come on, let’s just be honest with ourselves, respectively. What I write here is not something easy to do, but that's the challenge that the Lord gives to me and you. He ordered this not without reason, the Bible notes that "because he is kind to people who are ungrateful and to the bad guys. "

One more thing, when you and I were able to do a command that has been the true love quote among the true love quotes, a heavenly reward is waiting, your reward will be great in heaven and you will be children of the  Heavenly Father -  Almighty God.

Humanly we can not do that great thing, even though it has become a heavenly command. You and I still require God's involvement. We should pray for the strength to be able to do this. We have to ask for strength to be able love enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return.

Come on, just accept this great challenge. This is a heavenly challenge though. Do not think too much. When God who had created the Universe and given life to me and you can do good to those ungrateful and to the bad guys, then you and I who are only the ones who are  given life by Him must be able to do it , Once again this is a heavenly and command for all of us. Fill your heart with compassion for everyone. Ask God to do it in us.

There are many great things that human being can do on earth, they even are capable of changing the world through all great works they have done. But the most rewarding job is the fact when people are able to Love their enemies and do good to them without expecting anything in return. This is a the most difficult job, challenging job, heavenly job to do.

Picture taken from -

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

The only thing your have to know today Is that you are truly loved by God

The today’s true love quote among the True Loves Quotes is - "There is no greater love than the love of a man who gave his life for his friends" (John. 15:13). Jesus is the only one who has proved these real true love quotes.

In wedding rehearsal ceremony of my brother, my husband was taking pictures of the groom and the bride when they faced each other in front of the pastor.
As we look at the photo later, we noticed that the flash on the camera had been shining on a cross made of metal located at the back, so that the cross was seen as a bright glowing object on top of both the bride and groom.

The photo reminds me that marriage is an image of Christ's love for the church, as shown by Him on the cross. When the Bible instructs husbands to love their wives (Eph. 5:25), God-affection compares the love which is full of fidelity and selfless with Christ’s for His disciples.

Because Christ had sacrificed His life for the sake of love, should we all love one another (1 John. 4: 10-11). He died in our place, so that our sins will not forever keep us separated from God. He applied his spoken words to the disciples: "There is no greater love than the love of a man who gave his life for his friends" (John. 15:13).

Many of us suffer because of being neglected, rejected and betrayed by someone. Although we have experienced those all, through Christ we can know and understand the nature of true love that is self-sacrificing, compassionate, and everlasting. Today, remember that you are truly loved by God. Jesus who proves that love by giving His life.

    God's love is so great and amazing, So deep and large, pure, sublime!
The love that comes from the heart of the JesusWhich remains the same and timeless. -Blom

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Give me only your love and your grace,that is enough for me.

Finally you get to this page. Well, thank you for the visit. Allow me to share another great true love quote among the True Love Quotes. Somebody who had seen the most valuable spiritual wealth in his life. Not too many among us who could phenomenally find and spiritually see this incredible eternal value. Once he realized this value. He saw the answer to the need of his soul and spirit. He realized that God’s Love and God’s Grace are the only things of the greatest value the soul and spirit need.

Then Suddenly he clearly saw that nothing else on earth had been of great value to him than God’s Love and His Grace. No wonder he decided to return everything he had in life. His liberty, his memory, his understanding, even his entire will had been given back to God, because for sure, that they all belong to God.  Nothing you have right now has eternity. They are only shadow of empty dream that human being  mostly dream of.

Do you dare enough to claim that everything you have now belong to you ? Hmmh, hope not. Because what you and I  need is God’s Love and His Grace. Those are going to be more than enough for you and me. It’s great to see the quote, here is it ; “Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me”. That is the true love quote among the true love quotes. 

SUSCIPE St Ignatius of Loyola

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory,
my understanding, and my entire will, All I have and call my own.

You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me.

The Most Powerful Love within You

I will feel very guilty if this message fails to get to your life database, or to the list of your knowledge and understanding  because this is actually the greatest power that exist in everyone’s life including yours and mine. Ponder more deeply on this quote; "No other force in the universe is powerful enough, but the love of God in you" once again this is one of True Love Quotes scattered around the planet. Surely this fact is too valuable to ignore. You want to believe and accept?!

Imagine…! The Power of death, life, angels, things to come, things at present, principalities, anything above, anything below, anything else in all creation. None of them has any powerful  authority to separate you from The Love of God. You have The greatest thing ever in your life. You are lucky. You are well on your way.

Worldly quotes that exist around you can be wrong. They scattered Among the True Love Quotes ever exist. Worldly things around you often deceive you. They usually look and sound promising.  They promised that everything would be so beautiful and capable of delivering fortune and happiness that you've been waiting and longing for. But do not ignore this FACT; "they all have definite limitations".  All of them have great chances to fail. All of them will be lost in time. No eternity at all in these things. But the love of God has the power and the perfect eternity. You should not ignore this fact.

Feel The Beauty of it. Again, God's love has perfect eternity and perfect immunity . This is the quote from The "True Love Quotes" you are seeking. His Love is spiritually refreshing muscles and bones and spread into your mental and physical strength magically and naturally. Feel how lucky you are if you can experience such perfect love. That's the love of God in Christ Jesus for you. which will not be able to be separated by anything on this earth.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

I Choose You to be saved

The True Love Quote you are about to read and understand throughout this page is the reflection of the greatest decision God had ever made for you and me. Take a few minutes of your busy life to see this incredible fact that is always forgotten almost by everyone of us. The fact is, you and me are no doubt sinners and have been living in sins for years through all forgotten and unforgotten things we’ve doing so far. Those things may have been The most filthy abomination in God's eyes.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the quote He has ;

I choose you, the sinner to be saved, because my love for you is a lot greater than my sight towards your sins. Let my blood poured out for the sake of you, so that you may become righteous and saved from God's wrath. (Romans 5:7-9) 

Now, Pay a great attention to the prophecy of Isaiah which proves that God's commitment that today has become a powerful quote and most powerful of all existing True Love Quotes.

Who has believed our messageu
and to whom has the armv of the Lord been revealed?w
He grew up before him like a tender shoot,x
and like a rooty out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearancez that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering,a and familiar with pain.b
Like one from whom people hidec their faces
he was despised,d and we held him in low esteem.
Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,e
yet we considered him punished by God,f
stricken by him, and afflicted.g
But he was piercedh for our transgressions,i
he was crushedj for our iniquities;
the punishmentk that brought us peacel was on him,
and by his woundsm we are healed.n
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,o
each of us has turned to our own way;p
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquityq of us all.
He was oppressedr and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;s
he was led like a lambt to the slaughter,u
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
By oppressiona and judgmentv he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;w
for the transgressionx of my people he was punished.b
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,y
and with the richz in his death,
though he had done no violence,a
nor was any deceit in his mouth.b
10 Yet it was the Lord’s willc to crushd him and cause him to suffer,e
and though the Lord makesc his life an offering for sin,f
he will see his offspringg and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosperh in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,i
he will see the lightj of lifed and be satisfiede;
by his knowledgef my righteous servantk will justifyl many,
and he will bear their iniquities.m
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,g n
and he will divide the spoilso with the strong,h
because he poured out his life unto death,p
and was numbered with the transgressors.q
For he borer the sin of many,s
and made intercession for the transgressors.